16 Aug Women and What Makes a Mosaic
In 2017, when our name officially changed to Mosaic Church Austin, I was asked, naturally, why the name change happened and what the name change meant.
My thinking today is still the same as it was then: a Mosaic is made up of differently colored, differently sized, and differently shaped pieces.
It’s an overall work of art made up of smaller works of art that often tells a story.
And when it comes to our women (and upcoming Women’s Retreat, more on that in a moment), I can’t emphasize strongly enough how our women matter when it comes to making a Mosaic.
Our women matter in the business world, they matter in the community, they matter in the home, and they matter in the church.
We need every woman in every size, color and shape to be at her best in order to tell the right story to the city, from young to less young!
One of the ways we try to communicate this and see this vision come to pass is through our upcoming women’s retreat, themed this year as “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
We will be working through what’s called “The Lord’s Prayer,” in between meals, worship, conversations, competitions, camp activities, swimming, and SPF 30 (for those who need it, you know who you are!) fun in the early fall sun out in Giddings, Texas at Tejas Camp and Retreat. It takes place September 26-28, and I would like to invite and encourage our women to attend.
There’s my invitation; allow me to close with a few truisms:
You’re never too young to make a possible lifetime connection.
You’re never too old to have some fun at a camp.
You’re never too new to belong.
You’re never too experienced to grow in new ways.
And, ultimately, we get out of a community what we invest in it.
You can see our registration page for all the costs and details.
Every year, I watch our women come back encouraged and changed, strengthened to continue “making a Mosaic,” and I want that for you this year as well.
P.S. We look forward to having Pastor Jim Laffoon this Sunday only (no Saturday meeting, unfortunately)!
P.P.S Men, your Retreat Registration deadline is Monday at midnight. Don’t miss out!