God Calls Us To Share His Love Through Missions
“It’s not that the church has a mission. It’s that God’s mission has a Church.” – Alan Hirsch
God’s mission is to reconcile His creation and His people back to His heart and His purpose. The message of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is the Good News through which that reclamation project takes place. We are called to go, in both word and deed, into the world proclaiming the love of Christ and seeking justice for those in need. Two ways we pursue and live out this aspect of discipleship is through Short-Term Mission Trips, and through missionary support.We invite you to join us in one, or both, of these endeavors. You can browse through our short-term mission trips and our list of global missionaries by scrolling down.
For those interested in going on a short-term trip, we ask that you meet the following guidelines:
- Must be able to attend team meetings.
- Must be responsible for total cost of trip.
- Must be a regular attendee of Mosaic, or a partner church unless special circumstances apply.