18 Oct Tried & True: Anchored in the Storm
“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power.”
Psalm 145:4 NLT
Each generation faces unique coming-of-age challenges brought about by the particularities of their culture and place in history. With technology at our fingertips, social media, and the sheer amount of information available, the last decade has seen skyrocketing rates of anxiety. People feel increasingly lonely and isolated as relationships move more and more into the digital realm, and our children are no exception to this increasing experience of anxiety.
As the Church, we are called to teach the next generation the truth of God’s Word and to model what it looks like to grow in our relationships with God and with one another. A fascinating Columbia University study published in December 2023 in the JAMA Psychiatry showed that children who have at least one positive, committed adult-child relationship are less likely to experience depression, anxiety and perceived stress later in life.
I absolutely love it when science catches up to what the Bible has been telling us all along. We were never meant to live in isolation but rather with an interconnected and multigenerational mindset. Because we know that our God gives us hope, joy, and peace that is not like what the world gives, we want to give our children understanding that anchoring their lives in Christ enables them to withstand whatever storms life brings their way. We want to be faithful to the commandment to:
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 BSB
At Mosaic Church, our children are precious and valuable members of our church family with something beautiful to teach us right here and now, not just “someday” when they are older and more mature. On December 6th-8th, we have an incredible opportunity as the Body of Christ to come together for KIDCON Tried & True: Anchored in the Storm. Throughout this powerful weekend, we will experience God’s heart and sow seeds into the lives of our elementary-age children and their friends as we equip them with tools and understanding to remain steadfast in whatever storms they are facing.
Whether you are volunteering your time to serve our kids or you are a kid attending KIDCON, there will be something for everyone: engaging worship, teaching, breakout sessions, games, creative activities, and of course…delicious food. Our 5-year-olds and kindergarteners even get their own, exclusive, one-day KINDER CON on Saturday, December 7th that tailors the topics and teachings in an age-appropriate environment!
KIDCON and KINDER CON conclude on Sunday morning in our regular mKids classrooms (both North and South) with a special KIDCON-message and activities inviting our kids into the joy, hope, and peace of Christ that holds fast regardless of our circumstances. Registration is now open through November 18th, so click here today to register yourself, your kids, and their friends!
God has something amazing for us to experience together…don’t miss it!
Lauren Duncan
Director of KIDCON
Preschool and Childcare Coordinator