The Cross: Judgment | Day 3

Punishment for Forgiveness

Welcome to Day Three of the January week of prayer, fasting and consecration!

Lord, have mercy! Take a look at the cost Jesus paid on the cross not because He was a sinner but because He came to buy our freedom. Here’s the video devotional for Day Three: Judgment to view as you set aside time for study, prayer and thanksgiving.

Read the daily scriptures, devotional, reflection, application and prayer in the guide for adults or the guide for families.
Would you like to receive notifications as soon as the daily devotional video is published or review a previous video? Subscribe to Mosaic’s YouTube channel.
*Identify the best time on your calendar to join Mosaic leaders in person or online daily for corporate prayer.

*In case of changes due to icy weather,
up-to-date meeting locations will be listed here.

Friday at 7 pm our week of prayer, fasting and consecration culminates with a Night of Worship. We look forward to the evening with you at Mosaic North & Mosaic South.

Last day! Register for childcare or mKids Night of Worship.

Share how the week of prayer and fasting is transformational for you!
Submit a testimony, or connect with us online!

Community Groups

Community groups are where we seek to live out the Gospel in relationship with others within a smaller community context.

If you are interested in joining one of Mosaic’s Community Groups and would like to be contacted by a group leader to learn more, please complete this card.

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Austin Central
Austin North
Austin South
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Cedar Park
Round Rock
Mosaic Church

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