The Cross: Completion | Day 5

Mission After Redemption

Happy Friday! We have reached the last day of our prayer, fasting and consecration week January 2025.

As we finish the week, we wrap up our look at the finished work of Christ on the cross. This work allows us redemption and reconciliation, and it also gives us a mission. Begin today’s devotional time with Day Five: Completion video.

This evening we hope you join our local spiritual family for a Night of Worship at Mosaic North or South at 7 pm. Finally, enjoy the blessed assurance of the price Christ paid in one conclusion video from our Every Nation spiritual family.

Read today’s scriptures, devotional, reflection, application and prayer in the guide for adults or the guide for families.
Would you like to review a previous video? Click to visit Mosaic’s YouTube channel.
Today, join Mosaic leaders at 7 am on Zoom12 pm on Zoom or 12 pm in person only at Mosaic North.

See you tonight at Night of Worship as we culminate the fast together! Meet at 7 pm at Mosaic North or Mosaic South.
Want to share how this week of prayer and fasting was transformational for you? Submit your testimony here!

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