On the Importance of the College Campus (5+2)

In addition to all Mosaic does to invest in children and youth, one way we desire to connect with the next generation is through campus ministry; that is, through touching the lives of college students.

Why do we focus on college students? Let me give you five quick reasons and two great updates.

  1. It’s an integral part of what it means to be “an Every Nation church.” As much as it is a value carried for our global spiritual family, campus ministry is a stewardship expressed. We simply feel a calling from God to reach the campus with the Christian Gospel.
  2. The future leaders of the world are there, ready to be shaped for what’s next. Surely as those who are supposed to be “salt and light,” Christ’s church should be present in the leader-making apparatus of our nation.
  3. International students are there, allowing Christians connections with the rest of the world that we might not have otherwise. Jesus’ words in Matthew 28, to “go into all the world,” take on new relevance and shape in this light.
  4. Students from other faiths are often open to hearing about Christ for the first time.
  5. If you reach a student, you can change a future family for generations to come. In that sense, doing campus ministry now is family ministry for the future.

BONUS REASON: Both I and my wife, Carrie, had our lives changed through Every Nation Campus at the University of Houston. Because of that dynamic outreach and discipleship, we were equipped to do what we do now. The bottom line? Campus ministry is personal for us!

To that end, I was privileged to be with our ENC chapter at the University of Texas on Wednesday night. It is flourishing and our campus staff are doing a great job!

And, on Thursday I headed out to Angelo State University, which has a fledgling ENC Bible study begun there about a year and a half ago in San Angelo, Texas. Mosaic and Mid-Cities Church in Midland, Texas, take turns sending a weekly representative to be present to help the students there make a difference.

Last week there were 22 students present, with no campus missionary even present. God is doing something great there, and I’m grateful to have two of my own sons there, participating and leading. Like I said, campus ministry is personal for our family!

Oh, and thank you for your financial giving, which makes these outreaches possible. We partner with these and many more missionaries on many campuses to help keep the dream alive!

As it’s often said, “Change the Campus, Change the World!”

Or, as I like to also put it, “Change the Campus for the sake of the World!”


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