This weekend is one of my favorites at Mosaic!

What we used to call our annual “Back to School” Sunday, we are rebranding as NXT GEN Sunday, for a few reasons:

  1. The new language calls us to look forward, not “back.”
  2. Students go back to school at different times, so the old name didn’t always fit.
  3. The new name allows us to be more flexible with the date.
  4. The new name more clearly communicates a value, not just a time of year.

That being said, I hope to see you for a Sunday full of vision, with teens and college students “showing and telling” why Jesus matters and Mosaic is their church.

My best tips, in the spirit of University of Texas sporting events:

  1. Come early
  2. Sing loud
  3. Stay for a while
  4. Wear your school colors or gear (or that of a child or friend).

We won’t just be celebrating students, but teachers and educators of all stripes, inside our vision of being a multigenerational church.

This Sunday isn’t just about you, it’s about the “us” and all the good that the next generation represents.

I am very positive about the next generation (and the previous…and my own!). Each has their own amazing way of contributing to what makes us a unique local church with so much diversity and a bright future.

Can’t wait to see you soon, as we live out Psalm 145:4: “One generation will commend your works to another.”


P.S. No booing your school rival until after you leave!

Community Groups

Community groups are where we seek to live out the Gospel in relationship with others within a smaller community context.

If you are interested in joining one of Mosaic’s Community Groups and would like to be contacted by a group leader to learn more, please complete this card.

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Mosaic Church

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