mKids | MAY 2024 LESSONS

May Lessons for mKids!


Here are our upcoming lessons:

THE KING AND THE KINGDOM | Jesus is the best teacher because He teaches us how to live God’s way. When we obey Jesus, it’s like building a house on a super strong rock. Look in the Bible to find out what Jesus teaches!

“.You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ … That is what I am.” John 13:13


A BABY AND A BUSH | God made you to do big things for Him! And you don’t even have to be a grown-up to do it! Just show God you are strong for Him by obeying in the little stuff more each day.

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much …” Luke 16:10

A BABY AND A BUSH (May 19th & May 26th)


Here are our upcoming lessons:

PEACE | It’s more than chill vibes, tie-dye shirts, and mood rings. Join Konnect HQ as they learn that lasting peace is a gift from Jesus that never leaves us.

We can practice self-care and mindfulness as tools to calm the body and mind as we pursue peace, but those practices won’t take us all the way there. Only by following Jesus can we experience peace that is deep, real, lasting, and not dependent on circumstance. By seeking God and connecting to Him spiritually in prayer, in His Word, in worship, and in community with other believers, we can stay connected to the gift of peace Jesus gives us. When we realize peace, its byproducts of unwavering gratitude, freedom, and trust in Jesus can rub off on those around us, giving us opportunities to be peacemakers in our relationships, our communities, and the world around us.

PEACE | Week 1 (April 21st)

PEACE| Week 2 (April 28th)

PEACE | Week 3 (May 5th)

PEACE | Week 4 (May 12th)

LEARN GOD’S WAY | The opposite of wisdom is foolishness; choosing a way that isn’t God’s way. God’s ways are wiser than our own. He made the world. He made us. Everyone needs God’s wisdom, and God shares it with everyone who wants it. All we have to do is choose to follow Jesus as our leader and number one friend.

LEARN GOD’S WAY | 1 Week Only (May 19th)

CHARACTER | Character is who we really are on the inside. It’s the person we are when no one’s watching or listening. Before we choose to follow Jesus, our character is controlled by our sinful nature. We can work really hard to try to be good on the outside, but we can’t change our hearts to be good on our own. When we turn to Jesus, God gives us His Holy Spirit to change us and guide us to have godly character instead. Our hearts are new, good, and can start to choose God’s way from the inside instead of pretending to be good on the outside. When we choose to grow in godly character, people see can see how real our words and actions are, and they can learn how real Jesus’ love is!

CHARACTER | Week 1 (May 26th)

CHARACTER | Week 2 (June 9th)

CHARACTER | Week 3 (June 16th)


Here are the upcoming lessons:

LIVE IN PEACE | This three-week lesson series will help your students not only receive true peace when they need it, but also live in peace as they participate in God’s plan for themselves, for others, and for all creation.

LIVE IN PEACE | Week 1 (April 21st)

LIVE IN PEACE | Week 2 (April 28th)

LIVE IN PEACE | Week 3 (May 5th)

CAN I TRUST GOD? | What an important question! This special one-week episode of The Loop Show tackles that question through the story Jesus told in Matthew 7 about the wise man who built his house on the rock. Explore faith and trust with your students so they can decide to build their lives on God’s trustworthy foundation.

CAN I TRUST GOD? | 1 Week Only (May 12th)

SHAPING CHARACTER | This three-week series will help your students shape their character into godly character! How? Through developing integrity, respect, selflessness, gratitude, and grit.

SHAPING CHARACTER | Week 1 (May 19th)

SHAPING CHARACTER | Week 2 (May 26th)

SHAPING CHARACTER | Week 3 (June 9th)

mKids AT HOME WITH JUST ONE CLICK! Revisit past online lessons on our mKids Austin YouTube Channel. We have hundreds of lessons for you to choose from for your Sunday at home. If you would like to stay in step with the in-person curriculum, we invite you to watch the lesson links above! 

Click here for mKids on YouTube!

mKids WORSHIP IS ONLINE! You can find some of our mKids worship songs on our YouTube Channel. Whether you are looking to add it for your Sundays at home, or during the week for a praise break. These videos have motions included to lead your kids to move their bodies while they worship! 

Click here for our worship playlist!

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