August Lessons for mKids!


Here are our upcoming lessons:

EVERYBODY’S WELCOME |God’s Church isn’t just a building where we learn about God. God’s Church is God’s family! Everybody is welcome in God’s family when they trust and follow Jesus. This lesson about Peter and the centurion Cornelius teaches your little ones that God has a special place for them in His Church! We all fit in God’s family.

“…The family of God is the church. …” 1 Timothy 3:15

EVERYBODY’S WELCOME (August 4th & 11th)

IN THE BEGINNING | God is AMAZING! He made the sun in the sky, the animals, the whole world—they’re all His creations. But do you know what God’s most AMAZING creation is? It’s you and me! God made people to be like Him so we can trust and follow Jesus, and be His special friends!

“How you made me is amazing and wonderful. …” Psalm 139:14 NIRV

IN THE BEGINNING (August 18th & 25th)


Here are our upcoming lessons:

WELCOME TO KONNECT | How do we live out God’s mission? This one-week special episode will help kids answer that question!

This one-week unit introduces Konnect HQ, its purpose, and how it works. Find out how we, as Jesus’ followers, can all work together as a community to bring the message of Jesus to the whole world.

WELCOME… | 1-Week Only (August 11th)

PURPOSE |What does a kid have to offer? Everything! God made you for a special purpose.

This lesson encourages children to follow the path God has prepared for them. Each week focuses on one aspect of God-given purpose that will bring God glory. Children will think about the things they are good at, the things they care about, and the experiences they have been through. Kids will better understand who they are, which in turn better prepares them to find their identity in Christ and walk in the purpose He has intended for them.

PURPOSE | Week 1 (August 18th)

PURPOSE | Week 2 (August 25th)

PURPOSE | Week 3 (September 1st)


Here is the upcoming lessons:

STARTING LINE | Starting Line is a three-week series to help your students see how Nehemiah’s story and God’s greatest commandment teach us how to make a difference in the world.

STARTING LINE | Week 1 (August 11th)

STARTING LINE | Week 2 (August 18th)

STARTING LINE | Week 3 (August 25th)

mKids AT HOME WITH JUST ONE CLICK! Revisit past online lessons on our mKids Austin YouTube Channel. We have hundreds of lessons for you to choose from for your Sunday at home. If you would like to stay in step with the in-person curriculum, we invite you to watch the lesson links above! 

Click here for mKids on YouTube!

mKids WORSHIP IS ONLINE! You can find some of our mKids worship songs on our YouTube Channel. Whether you are looking to add it for your Sundays at home, or during the week for a praise break. These videos have motions included to lead your kids to move their bodies while they worship! 

Click here for our worship playlist!

Community Groups

Community groups are where we seek to live out the Gospel in relationship with others within a smaller community context.

If you are interested in joining one of Mosaic’s Community Groups and would like to be contacted by a group leader to learn more, please complete this card.

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Mosaic Church

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