Conformed to God’s Will

“To decide what the best use of it is,
you must ask what use the Enemy wants to make of it,
and then do the opposite.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters


The human mind is a powerful commodity. Our minds are continuously absorbing information—whether good, bad or indifferent. This influx of information shapes and reshapes our minds as we absorb it.

If we do not strategically choose the best use of our minds according to the will of God, then we leave our minds susceptible to the will of the world.

Paul reminds us in Romans to not be “conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will” (12:2).

GROW, Mosaic’s adult education courses, is one avenue at Mosaic that facilitates the transformation and renewal of our minds. GROW provides Christ-centered education that helps people of all ages GROW in their faith and become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

Through a variety of learning experiences, we seek to foster a love for God, a love for others, and a love for the world—as God created it, and to equip people to live out their faith in their daily lives and to serve others in the community and beyond. We believe that every person has unique gifts and talents that can be used for God’s glory, and we aim to create an inclusive, welcoming environment where everyone can learn, GROW, and thrive.

Our desire is to see every member of Mosaic Church, from the youngest to the oldest, actively participating in a lifelong journey of learning, spiritual growth and transformation. To encourage, and even challenge, the healthy transformation of our minds, check out our GROW class schedule through the end of the year:

GROW: Spiritual Gifts Discovery

August 20 – October 8 @ 9 am

In-person @ Mosaic North + Self-paced @ Mosaic South

Instructors: Bill Brown, Carla Sanchez-Adams, Jack Hammans, Jessica Daniel, Nick Smith, Stephen Vigorito

GROW: Apologetics

August 20 – October 1 @ 11 am

In-person @ Mosaic North

Instructor: David DeStefano

GROW: Shine Brighter: Workplace Success Glorifying God

September 24 – October 22 @ 11 am

In-person @ Mosaic North + Live virtual + Self-paced @ Mosaic South

Instructor: Sheila Chopin

GROW: Forgiveness and Reconciliation

October 29 – November 26 @ 11 am

In-person @ Mosaic North + Self-paced @ Mosaic South

Instructor: Kayla Hemphill, LPC

Registration opens in September.


GROW: Praying the Psalms

November 5 – December 17 @ 11 am

In-person @ Mosaic North

Instructor: Jack Hammans

Registration opens in October. 


I’m looking forward to seeing you in one, or all, of the classes!

Rosalynn Smith, PhD
Pastor Mission and Adult Education

Community Groups

Community groups are where we seek to live out the Gospel in relationship with others within a smaller community context.

If you are interested in joining one of Mosaic’s Community Groups and would like to be contacted by a group leader to learn more, please complete this card.

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Area(s) of Town:

Austin Central
Austin North
Austin South
Austin East
Austin West
Cedar Park
Round Rock
Mosaic Church

Group(s) of Interest: