Q&A with Kevin York

I am thrilled to announce our guest speaker for this coming Sunday! Allow me to introduce to you Pastor Kevin York, who is a member of our Board of Oversight and is the Executive Director of Every Nation Churches, based in Nashville Tennessee.

I got to know Kevin and his family during my time in Nashville working as the National Director for Every Nation Campus, and my time with him deeply affected my life for the better.

Kevin travels the world as a high-level church consultant, coaching and mentoring pastors and leadership teams in just about every culture imaginable. He also attends just about every church leadership conference there is, and is about as up to date on the state of the church in America and around the world as anyone I’ve ever met.

He is actually from West Texas, has planted and pastored successful churches in Abilene and Midland, and now, when he’s home in the United States, he functions as an elder at Bethel World Outreach Center, a large multicultural church that is similar to ours in many ways.

Kevin also has just about the most ethnically diverse family you’ll ever meet—he has three children, one of whom has married a Mexican-American, another who has married a Filipino-American, and another who has married an African-American, so his grandchildren all run the spectrum of culture and color, including two that were adopted from Africa!

He is witty and engaging (at least I think so!), and our aim in bringing him in is to give us some global and historical context for what the church at large is doing and how we fit into that, as well as his perspective on how we are doing as a church (he actually visited here incognito a few months ago just to get a feel for us).

I trust it will be extremely informative and highly encouraging to everyone. So, we’ll be pushing the pause button on our time in Galatians in order to hear from him.


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