Hello there!
One of my favorite things about Mosaic Church is, frankly, its generosity–both internally and externally.
Statistically speaking, a much higher percentage of our people are involved financially with the mission of Mosaic than in the “average” church in the United States.
Over and over, our staff and elders in particular have seen God do financial miracles here and provide for things through His people without our even having to ask.
Internally speaking, when we went online only for a while in parts of 2020 and 2021, at first, we had no cameras or broadcast equipment. Without being asked or even being aware this was a need we had, in a matter of weeks, people at Mosaic spontaneously gave an extraordinary amount of money that enabled church leadership to purchase, almost dollar for dollar, the kind of equipment we needed at that time. It was amazing to watch.
And still, to this day, we maintain a sizable online presence through that equipment. That money, generously given, is still bearing fruit long after those years!
Externally, we are able to give large sums to ministries, missionaries, charities, church plants and relief work all over the world through our people’s giving.
I know so many of you at Mosaic love this about the church, and I also know that other pastors ask me why our track record is what it is. When people ask why this is our story, my answer is simple:
It’s because we talk about it.
Consistently, we talk about generosity and a Christian vision for finances and possessions.
Faith comes by hearing, the bible says, and certainly, this is true for living faith-filled lives of generosity.
So, my goal with our upcoming series, as you’ll hear starting this Sunday, is to make sure we remain the kind of church we all want to be: one that makes a difference and represents Christ well in the crucial area of individual and corporate stewardship.
The Gospel, after all, is one about a generous God, a God who gave (and still gives).
I hope you will be encouraged and strengthened by these four weeks in the book of Acts, where money and possessions are signs of the Holy Spirit doing extraordinary and expansive work in the world.
See you soon.
Morgan |