New Series Coming + Important Parking Lot Update

What group do you belong to?

Like, who are your people? Your team? Your crew?

Social scientists have, for many years, posited something called “Social Identity Theory”, or SIT.

SIT, also known as “in-group bias”, suggests that “individuals’ membership in a certain group determines their self-image in the social environment” (Dr. Wonseok Yang, 2020).

It’s a way of saying that we all tend to have a group that we feel makes us, “us”…and when the “us” is threatened, SIT says we may react excessivelyover-emotionally, and even negatively.

We do this all the time with smaller “groups”, like a family. You can think of the parent who acts (and reacts) when their child–someone in their “group”–is threatened.

But not only does SIT move us to act defensively on behalf of those we consider “in”, it often moves us to act offensively towards those we consider “out.”

Consider, as Texans might put it…those “dang Yankees”? (P.S. We love you, Yankees! The people, not the baseball team, that is.) What is the often (humorous) knee-jerk reaction of Southerners towards “those Northerners?”

I think you know.

Consider how we often (perhaps with understandable reason) act towards people “out” of our ethnicity, or “out” of our political party.

How do we treat them? We often move offensively against them, instinctively, without even thinking or slowing down to get to know them as individuals.

By contrast, when I read the Gospels, I am often struck by how uniquely Jesus meets every person who comes to him honestly and in need.

He so often begins by trying to pull them in, instead of pushing them away. Yes, there are times he asks really hard questions and strongly pushes against harmful ideologies—but individuals? Even with Pharisees, when they come honestly, like Nicodemus, the first moves Jesus makes look like conversationeatingdialogue.

In short, he moves to offer a kind of friendship with them. And when we consider Paul’s words in Romans 2:4, that it is the loving kindness of God that leads us to repentance, we begin to understand why.

God brings friendship with Him into our lives to save us—and this fall, we would like to begin to do the same for others.

Starting September 10, we will begin a four-week series and look at the book of Ruth called “Friendship Can Save the World.”

We will be doing a number of meaningful things with the series, which you will be hearing about that day, so you don’t want to miss that kick-off Sunday.

How can we begin to shape and change our city? Offering friendship is a great start.

But! Between now and then is this Sunday, Back to School Sunday!

A few notes:

  • Wear your school colors! T-shirts, jerseys – have fun!
  • Students in 3rd – 12th grade will be in main worship center.
  • Please consider attending the third service at Mosaic North! After this service, we’ll have complimentary Kona Ice!
  • There are a number of unique service elements that day, and we will take a special moment to pray over students, parents and school staff. It’s a great time to invite anyone who you know are in one of those categories!

See you soon!

Morgan Stephens
Lead Pastor
P.S.: 183 ACCESS NOTE: Please note that the city of Austin is doing construction on our main entrance. For the next three Sundays (at least), our 183 entrance will be a one-way entrance only. Cars will not be able to exit onto 183 from our parking lot, and we all must use the Jekel exit out onto McNeil Road. Sorry for the inconvenience! Give yourself some extra time, and you should be just fine!

Community Groups

Community groups are where we seek to live out the Gospel in relationship with others within a smaller community context.

If you are interested in joining one of Mosaic’s Community Groups and would like to be contacted by a group leader to learn more, please complete this card.

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Cedar Park
Round Rock
Mosaic Church

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