Leadership 215

According to recent studies by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, roughly 176 million Americans claim to be Christians – 69% of the population. Yet, that same study found that only 9% of those identifying Christians have a biblical worldview and affirm the Bible to be accurate and reliable.

No matter how genuine or developed the faith of that 69% is, studies like this have always fascinated me due to my deep desire for Christians to read and UNDERSTAND the Bible from more than a surface level.

In a time when many live by the mantra, “What is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me is true for me,” understanding God’s Word today is vital to our ability to truly live a life of Scriptural truth that reflects our Savior—and it always has been.

2 Timothy 2:15 states, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”

When Paul wrote this to Timothy – young pastor of the church in Ephesus – false teaching and false prophets were abundant. Timothy needed direction, and Paul, thankfully, was eager to give it.

So, in the spirit of what Paul gave Timothy, I’d like to introduce a dynamic program we begin every two years at Mosaic: Leadership 215.

Leadership 215 (the number in the name is taken from the above Scripture) is a leadership and theological development program, developed by Every Nation Churches Ministries (our umbrella ministry/global spiritual family) to help develop leaders in local churches around the world. It is considered the minimum global theological standard designed for ministers, missionaries, and high-level local church leaders.

If you have a desire to be more effectively equipped with how to think theologically and to learn how to leverage that more effectively in a church like Mosaic in a cohort setting, then this program is for you!

Our team is eager and ready to walk with you in community for the next two years, starting in August 2024. While simultaneously growing in our relationship with the Lord and with others, we will journey through courses such as: Hermeneutics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, Systematic Theology I, II, and III, Church History, Apologetics, Homiletics, Leadership, and Spirit Empowered Ministry.

Just as Paul urged Timothy to pursue truth unashamedly, we urge you to register for one of our upcoming interest meetings to see what Leadership 215 is all about. We would love to meet you!

Over the last couple of cohorts, a little phrase of encouragement has developed, so I’ll leave you with that, to give you a taste of what you can expect to experience if you begin:

Be prepared. Share. Love Hard. Grow.


Doug White

Community Groups

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